
Hey there, little chess warriors and awesome parents! 🏆

Welcome back to our fun chess adventure series! Last time, we learned about the magic of PINs and how they can make your opponent feel like they’re glued to the spot.

Today, we’ll dive into some super cool pins: Situational and Partial Pins!

Read Also, Pin is Mightier than the Sword in Chess!

Situational Pin: The Sneaky Trap!

Imagine you’re playing a game and suddenly find yourself in a situation where one of your chess setup and pieces is pinning an opponent’s piece which can lead to a loss of material or Checkmate

This is called a Situational Pin because it depends on the particular situation during the game.

🎨 Fun Example:

In this example, we have our white Rook on c1, the black Knight on C3, The black Knight can’t move because it would expose the Rook to go to Rc8 and voilà! That will be Checkmate. This is a Situational Pin!

Here’s how it looks on the chessboard:

Isn’t it sneaky? 😄


Partial Pin: The Half-Sticky Situation!

A Partial Pin is like when your piece is partly stuck, but it still has some wiggle room. It’s not fully pinned but can’t move without some serious consequences.

🎨 Fun Example:

Let’s say we have our white rook on E1, the black Queen on e6, and the black King on e8.

The Queen isn’t completely trapped but moving it would still lose it, which is a bummer for our opponent.

Here’s how it looks on the chessboard:


Tricky, right? 😊


🎨 Another Fun Example for Partial PIN

Chess Notation: Making it Fun!

We use chess notation to keep track of all the fun moves. Think of it as a secret code that helps us remember our awesome strategies.

You can be a chess spy, recording your brilliant moves!

So there you have it, little chess wizards!

Situational and Partial Pins are like secret tricks that can turn the game in your favor. Keep practicing, keep having fun, and soon you’ll be pinning your opponents like a pro!

Parents, if you’re excited to see your kids master these cool moves and more, why not join Premier Chess Academy?

It’s a fantastic place where young minds shine and grow through the wonderful game of chess.


Happy checkmating! 🥳♟🎉

What do you think? Ready to pin and win? 😄